How to edit my website while the "Under construction" page is online?

Website has not been created:

  1. Select the required "Under construction" template;
  2. Edit website;
  3. Click "Publish" at the top of website builder;
  4. Click "New/Reset" dropdown list at the top of website builder and select "Change template";
  5. Select new template;
  6. Check the checkbox "Got it" and click "Yes, change template";
  7. Edit your website, but don't publish it until it's finished.
    Use "Preview" button to view your website.
    Select "Publish" dropdown list at the top of website builder and select "Save Draft" to save your progress.

Hiding website while it is being created/updated:

  1. Save backup of your current website;
  2. Select "New/Reset" dropdown list at the top of website builder and select "Change template";
  3. Select "Under construction" template;
  4. Check the checkbox "Got it" and click "Yes, change template";
  5. Edit website;
  6. Select "Publish" dropdown list at the top of website builder and select "Backup / Restore" option;
  7. Restore backup of website you want to continue editing;
  8. Edit your website, but don't publish it until it's finished.
    Use "Preview" button to view your website.
    Select "Publish" dropdown list at the top of website builder and select "Save Draft" to save your progress.
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